"The line etched into a headstone between the dates of birth and death represent each step we take on earth and every single breath. To many, it is just a hyphen, marking time between the years, but in that little dash is a lifetime of laughter, love, and tears...Time steals our days and hours before we recognize the theft, and we live each day not knowing how much of our dash is left".
-Linda Ellis

Sunday, June 30, 2013

P.S. I miss you...

"At least I have someone worth missing"

I've always found goodbye's hard. Saying goodbye to you, however, was different. My heart broke in a way that it never had before. Missing someone is a unique feeling, it's a feeling completely separate from any other. It tugs a little tighter on the heartstrings, and fills your days with moments of deep longing. Missing you has become part of my daily routine, those moments have become the most bitter sweet of my life.

There is a quote that I find applicable to share...

"Missing someone is your hearts
 way of reminding you that you love them"

This is true. I miss you with all my heart.

You are the BEST!